Paranoid, a production of The Persecution Complex, is now available for download. For those of you who can't be bothered with reading the rest of this carefully constructed page here is a download link to the game. Go forth and waste ye no more time.
For those interested in this sort of stuff, this is an 8-map hub for GZDooM. It is a Half-Life mod with new enemies (including new enemy behavior with DECORATE), several new weapons (i.e., new behavior, not just replacement graphics), models, graphics, menus, skyboxes, and much more.
You want more information before you decide? We respect that. That's why we've prepared a handy text file.
Still not sure if you want to download the game? Then take a look at the screenshots in all their technicolor glory.
Yeah. We figured you'd want to download the game. So go for it.
Small Print:
Because of the extensive use of GZDoom and other advanced features, Paranoid requires the following system specs to run even at lower resolutions:
GZDoom 1.4.8
1.8ghz Processor
Hardware Accelerated Video Card w/at least 256 MB video RAM
Don't say we didn't warn you. Heh.
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